A low latency retained GUI
No Matches
How to draw

Drawing is done through the hi::draw_context object that is passed to hi::widget::draw() when drawing a frame. The hi::draw_context has several draw_*() member functions that allow you to draw shapes, glyphs, text and images.

The first argument to those draw_*() functions is a reference to the widget's hi::widget_layout object. This object was stored by the hi::widget::set_layout() function and contains the to-window transformation matrix and clipping rectangle used when drawing.

The second optional argument is an axis-aligned clipping rectangle which will be intersected with the layout's clipping rectangle. This can be used to specifically clip the shape, glyph or image being drawn.


Coordinate system

The coordinate system for drawing is relative to the widget, including the elevation where the rectangle is drawn on the z-buffer. The origin of the coordinate system is in the left-bottom corner of the pixel in the left-bottom corner of the widget. The axes extend to the right, up and toward the user.

The coordinates, widths and radii are in virtual pixels. On high resolution displays there will be an integer scaling factor to map the virtual pixels onto physical pixels. In this library when you read "pixel" without an explicit qualifier, it is meant to be "virtual pixels".


The order of the corners in the hi::quad, hi::quad_color and hi::corner_radii are always:

  • left-bottom,
  • right-bottom,
  • left-top and
  • right-top.


The order of in the hi::margins are always:

  • bottom
  • left
  • top
  • right

Drawing shapes

Drawing rectangles

In the example below we draw a rectangle with a border and rounded corners:

void draw(hi::draw_context const &context) noexcept override
auto const polygon = hi::quad{
point3{10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f},
point3{60.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f},
point3{10.0f, 60.0f, 0.0f},
point3{60.0f, 60.0f, 0.0f}};
auto const red = hi::color{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
auto const blue = hi::color{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
auto const border_width = 2.0f
auto const corners = hi::corner_radii{3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f};
context.draw_box(_layout, polygon, red, blue, border_width, hi::border_side::inside, corners);
This is a RGBA floating point color.
Definition color_intf.hpp:49
The 4 radii of the corners of a quad or rectangle.
Definition corner_radii.hpp:26
Draw context for drawing using the HikoGUI shaders.
Definition draw_context_intf.hpp:209

To get the rectangle to align to edges of pixels, you want to specify the quad as integer coordinates; and for the border side to specify either inside or outside, this will yield sharp borders.

The actual polygon send to the GPU is extended to include the part of the border that falls outside the polygon and an extra physical pixel for anti-aliasing.

Drawing circles

In the example below we draw a circle with a border:

void draw(hi::draw_context const &context) noexcept override
auto const polygon = hi::circle{point3{35.0f, 35.0f, 0.0f}, 25.0f};
auto const red = hi::color{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
auto const border_width = 2.0f
context.draw_circle(_layout, polygon, line_width, red, hi::line_end_cap::round, hi::line_end_cap::round);
A type defining a 2D circle.
Definition circle.hpp:23

hi::draw_context::draw_circle() is a convenience-function for hi::draw_context::draw_box() A circle is a square with rounded corners with the corner diameter set to the height/width of the square.

When drawing circles among rectangular objects, it is recommended to draw the circle at a 1-3% larger radius, so that the shape seems to be the same size and aligned to the flat edges of the rectangles.

Drawing lines

In the example below we draw a line with rounded end points:

void draw(hi::draw_context const &context) noexcept override
auto const line = hi::line{
point3{10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f},
point3{50.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f}};
auto const red = hi::color{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
auto const blue = hi::color{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
auto const line_width = 2.0f
context.draw_line(_layout, line, red, blue, border_width, hi::border_side::inside);

hi::draw_context::draw_line() is a convenience-function for hi::draw_context::draw_box() A line is a thin rectangle with rounded corners with the corner diameter set to the width of the line.

When drawing horizontal or vertical lines, you may want to position the line so that it goes through the center of the pixels to get a sharp line. The origin of the coordinate system is in the left-bottom corner of the most left bottom pixel of a widget.

Drawing images

There are three steps for drawing an image:

  • Loading an png-image file from disk.
  • Uploading the image to the GPU.
  • Drawing the polygons to display the image.

Here we load the mars3.png file from a resource directory from the constructor:

drawing_widget(hi::not_null<widget_intf const *> parent) noexcept :
widget(parent), _image(hi::URL("resource:mars3.png")) {}
Universal Resource Locator.
Definition URL.hpp:58

During set_constraints() we try to construct a hi::gfx_pipeline_image::paged_image. In the set_constraints() function this may fail when the window is still being created; therefor, we keep reconstraining until it succeeds.

This version of the hi::gfx_pipeline_image::paged_image{} constructor also directly uploads the image to the GPU. It is also possible to make a hi::gfx_pipeline_image::paged_image with just a width and a height and then upload the image at a later time.

hi::box_constraints const &set_constraints(set_constraints_context const &context) noexcept override
_layout = {};
if (_image_was_modified.exchange(false)) {
if (not (_image_backing = hi::gfx_pipeline_image::paged_image{window.surface.get(), _image})) {
// Could not get an image, retry.
_image_was_modified = true;
return _constraints = {{100, 100}, {150, 150}, {400, 400}, theme().margin()};
2D constraints.
Definition box_constraints.hpp:25

Drawing glyphs

Drawing text

Text shaping