A low latency retained GUI
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright Take Vos 2022.
2// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9#pragma once
11#include "widget.hpp"
12#include "../macros.hpp"
13#include <coroutine>
17hi_export namespace hi { inline namespace v1 {
28 using super = widget;
30 observer<float> content_width;
31 observer<float> content_height;
32 observer<float> aperture_width;
33 observer<float> aperture_height;
34 observer<float> offset_x;
35 observer<float> offset_y;
37 scroll_aperture_widget(widget_intf const* parent) noexcept : super(parent)
38 {
39 hi_axiom(loop::main().on_thread());
41 _content_width_cbt = content_width.subscribe([&](auto...) {
42 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:content_width:relayout">;
44 });
45 _content_height_cbt = content_height.subscribe([&](auto...) {
46 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:content_height:relayout">;
48 });
49 _aperture_width_cbt = aperture_width.subscribe([&](auto...) {
50 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:aperture_width:relayout">;
52 });
53 _aperture_height_cbt = aperture_height.subscribe([&](auto...) {
54 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:aperture_height:relayout">;
56 });
57 _offset_x_cbt = offset_x.subscribe([&](auto...) {
58 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:offset_x:relayout">;
60 });
61 _offset_y_cbt = offset_y.subscribe([&](auto...) {
62 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:offset_y:relayout">;
64 });
65 _minimum_cbt = minimum.subscribe([&](auto...) {
66 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:minimum:reconstrain">;
68 });
69 }
71 template<typename Widget, typename... Args>
72 Widget& emplace(Args&&...args) noexcept
73 {
74 hi_axiom(loop::main().on_thread());
75 hi_axiom(_content == nullptr);
77 auto tmp = std::make_unique<Widget>(this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
78 auto& ref = *tmp;
79 _content = std::move(tmp);
80 return ref;
81 }
83 [[nodiscard]] bool x_axis_scrolls() const noexcept
84 {
85 return *content_width > *aperture_width;
86 }
88 [[nodiscard]] bool y_axis_scrolls() const noexcept
89 {
90 return *content_height > *aperture_height;
91 }
94 [[nodiscard]] generator<widget_intf &> children(bool include_invisible) noexcept override
95 {
96 co_yield *_content;
97 }
99 [[nodiscard]] box_constraints update_constraints() noexcept override
100 {
101 _layout = {};
102 _content_constraints = _content->update_constraints();
104 // The aperture can scroll so its minimum width and height are zero.
105 auto aperture_constraints = _content_constraints;
106 aperture_constraints.minimum = extent2{0, 0};
108 aperture_constraints = aperture_constraints.constrain(*minimum, *maximum);
109 aperture_constraints += extent2{
110 _content_constraints.margins.left() + _content_constraints.margins.right(),
111 _content_constraints.margins.top() + _content_constraints.margins.bottom()};
112 aperture_constraints.margins = {};
113 return aperture_constraints;
114 }
116 void set_layout(widget_layout const& context) noexcept override
117 {
118 if (compare_store(_layout, context)) {
119 aperture_width = context.width() - _content_constraints.margins.left() - _content_constraints.margins.right();
120 aperture_height = context.height() - _content_constraints.margins.bottom() - _content_constraints.margins.top();
122 // Start scrolling with the preferred size as minimum, so
123 // that widgets in the content don't get unnecessarily squeezed.
124 content_width = *aperture_width < _content_constraints.preferred.width() ? _content_constraints.preferred.width() :
125 *aperture_width;
126 content_height = *aperture_height < _content_constraints.preferred.height() ?
127 _content_constraints.preferred.height() :
128 *aperture_height;
129 }
131 // Make sure the offsets are limited to the scrollable area.
132 auto const offset_x_max = std::max(*content_width - *aperture_width, 0.0f);
133 auto const offset_y_max = std::max(*content_height - *aperture_height, 0.0f);
134 offset_x = std::clamp(*offset_x, 0.0f, offset_x_max);
135 offset_y = std::clamp(*offset_y, 0.0f, offset_y_max);
137 // The position of the content rectangle relative to the scroll view.
138 // The size is further adjusted if the either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar is invisible.
139 _content_shape = box_shape{
140 _content_constraints,
142 -*offset_x + _content_constraints.margins.left(),
143 -*offset_y + _content_constraints.margins.bottom(),
144 *content_width,
145 *content_height},
146 theme().baseline_adjustment()};
148 // The content needs to be at a higher elevation, so that hitbox check
149 // will work correctly for handling scrolling with mouse wheel.
150 _content->set_layout(context.transform(_content_shape, transform_command::level, context.rectangle()));
151 }
153 void draw(draw_context const& context) noexcept override
154 {
155 if (mode() > widget_mode::invisible) {
156 _content->draw(context);
157 }
158 }
160 [[nodiscard]] hitbox hitbox_test(point2 position) const noexcept override
161 {
162 hi_axiom(loop::main().on_thread());
164 if (mode() >= widget_mode::partial) {
165 auto r = _content->hitbox_test_from_parent(position);
167 if (layout().contains(position)) {
168 r = std::max(r, hitbox{id, _layout.elevation});
169 }
170 return r;
172 } else {
173 return {};
174 }
175 }
177 bool handle_event(gui_event const& event) noexcept override
178 {
179 hi_axiom(loop::main().on_thread());
181 if (event == gui_event_type::mouse_wheel) {
182 auto const new_offset_x = *offset_x + std::round((dips(event.mouse().wheel_delta.x()) * theme().pixel_density).in(pixels));
183 auto const new_offset_y = *offset_y + std::round((dips(event.mouse().wheel_delta.y()) * theme().pixel_density).in(pixels));
184 auto const max_offset_x = std::max(0.0f, *content_width - *aperture_width);
185 auto const max_offset_y = std::max(0.0f, *content_height - *aperture_height);
187 offset_x = std::clamp(new_offset_x, 0.0f, max_offset_x);
188 offset_y = std::clamp(new_offset_y, 0.0f, max_offset_y);
189 ++global_counter<"scroll_aperture_widget:mouse_wheel:relayout">;
191 return true;
192 } else {
193 return super::handle_event(event);
194 }
195 }
197 void scroll_to_show(hi::aarectangle to_show) noexcept override
198 {
199 if (_layout) {
200 auto safe_rectangle = intersect(_layout.rectangle(), _layout.clipping_rectangle);
201 auto delta_x = 0.0f;
202 auto delta_y = 0.0f;
204 if (safe_rectangle.width() > theme().margin<float>() * 2.0f and safe_rectangle.height() > theme().margin<float>() * 2.0f) {
205 // This will look visually better, if the selected widget is moved with some margin from
206 // the edge of the scroll widget. The margins of the content do not have anything to do
207 // with the margins that are needed here.
208 safe_rectangle = safe_rectangle - theme().margin<float>();
210 if (to_show.right() > safe_rectangle.right()) {
211 delta_x = to_show.right() - safe_rectangle.right();
212 } else if (to_show.left() < safe_rectangle.left()) {
213 delta_x = to_show.left() - safe_rectangle.left();
214 }
216 if (to_show.top() > safe_rectangle.top()) {
217 delta_y = to_show.top() - safe_rectangle.top();
218 } else if (to_show.bottom() < safe_rectangle.bottom()) {
219 delta_y = to_show.bottom() - safe_rectangle.bottom();
220 }
222 // Scroll the widget
223 offset_x = std::round(offset_x + delta_x);
224 offset_y = std::round(offset_y + delta_y);
225 }
227 // There may be recursive scroll view, and they all need to move until the rectangle is visible.
228 if (parent) {
229 parent->scroll_to_show(_layout.to_parent * translate2(delta_x, delta_y) * to_show);
230 }
232 } else {
233 return super::scroll_to_show(to_show);
234 }
235 }
238 box_constraints _content_constraints;
239 box_shape _content_shape;
241 callback<void(float)> _content_width_cbt;
242 callback<void(float)> _content_height_cbt;
243 callback<void(float)> _aperture_width_cbt;
244 callback<void(float)> _aperture_height_cbt;
245 callback<void(float)> _offset_x_cbt;
246 callback<void(float)> _offset_y_cbt;
247 callback<void(extent2)> _minimum_cbt;
250}} // namespace hi::v1
Defines widget.
@ window_relayout
Request that widgets get laid out on the next frame.
@ window_reconstrain
Request that widget get constraint on the next frame.
@ partial
A widget is partially enabled.
@ invisible
The widget is invisible.
The HikoGUI namespace.
Definition array_generic.hpp:20
bool compare_store(T &lhs, U &&rhs) noexcept
Compare then store if there was a change.
Definition misc.hpp:53
@ level
The child widget stays at the same elevation and layer.
Definition algorithm_misc.hpp:20
Definition callback.hpp:77
Class which represents an axis-aligned rectangle.
Definition aarectangle.hpp:33
A high-level geometric extent.
Definition extent2.hpp:32
constexpr float & width() noexcept
Access the x-as-width element from the extent.
Definition extent2.hpp:107
constexpr float & height() noexcept
Access the y-as-height element from the extent.
Definition extent2.hpp:118
Definition translate2.hpp:18
constexpr float & x() noexcept
Access the x element from the vector.
Definition vector2.hpp:65
constexpr float & y() noexcept
Access the y element from the vector.
Definition vector2.hpp:73
Draw context for drawing using the HikoGUI shaders.
Definition draw_context_intf.hpp:209
vector2 wheel_delta
Change in wheel rotation, in points (pt).
Definition gui_event.hpp:58
A user interface event.
Definition gui_event.hpp:82
mouse_event_data & mouse() noexcept
Get the mouse event information.
Definition gui_event.hpp:264
Definition widget_intf.hpp:24
widget_id id
The numeric identifier of a widget.
Definition widget_intf.hpp:30
widget_layout const & layout() const noexcept
Get the current layout for this widget.
Definition widget_intf.hpp:206
widget_intf * parent
Pointer to the parent widget.
Definition widget_intf.hpp:35
virtual void scroll_to_show(hi::aarectangle rectangle) noexcept=0
Scroll to show the given rectangle on the window.
The layout of a widget.
Definition widget_layout.hpp:56
constexpr widget_layout transform(box_shape const &child_shape, transform_command command, aarectangle new_clipping_rectangle) const noexcept
Create a new widget_layout for the child widget.
Definition widget_layout.hpp:236
2D constraints.
Definition box_constraints.hpp:25
Definition box_shape.hpp:18
A observer pointing to the whole or part of a observed_base.
Definition observer_intf.hpp:32
callback< void(value_type)> subscribe(Func &&func, callback_flags flags=callback_flags::synchronous) noexcept
Subscribe a callback to this observer.
Definition observer_intf.hpp:456
Definition theme_value.hpp:11
Definition pixel_density.hpp:16
A scroll aperture widget.
Definition scroll_aperture_widget.hpp:26
An interactive graphical object as part of the user-interface.
Definition widget.hpp:37
observer< extent2 > minimum
The minimum size this widget is allowed to be.
Definition widget.hpp:41
void scroll_to_show() noexcept
Scroll to show the important part of the widget.
Definition widget_intf.hpp:312
widget() noexcept
Constructor for creating sub views.
Definition widget.hpp:55
bool process_event(gui_event const &event) const noexcept override
Send a event to the window.
Definition widget.hpp:130
bool handle_event(gui_event const &event) noexcept override
Handle command.
Definition widget.hpp:150
observer< extent2 > maximum
The maximum size this widget is allowed to be.
Definition widget.hpp:45
T max(T... args)
T move(T... args)
T round(T... args)