A low latency retained GUI
Data Structures | |
class | animator |
A type that gets animated between two values. More... | |
class | atomic_unique_ptr |
struct | await_resume_result |
Get the result type of an awaitable. More... | |
struct | awaitable_cast |
struct | awaitable_cast< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > |
struct | awaitable_cast< std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::utc_clock, Duration > > |
struct | awaitable_cast< std::stop_token > |
struct | awaitable_cast< T > |
class | awaitable_stop_token |
class | awaitable_timer |
class | base_n |
struct | bigint |
High performance big integer implementation. More... | |
class | byte_char_traits |
struct | composed_t |
class | const_void_span |
struct | coverage_format1 |
struct | coverage_format2 |
struct | coverage_format2_range |
class | decimal |
class | delayed_format |
Delayed formatting. More... | |
class | dither |
An object that create dither values to add to samples before rounding. More... | |
class | enable_group_ptr |
Enable a class to be used in a group_ptr . More... | |
class | enable_group_ptr< T > |
class | enable_group_ptr< T, void(Args...)> |
class | font |
class | font_book |
font_book keeps track of multiple fonts. More... | |
struct | font_metrics |
The metrics of a font. More... | |
class | font_variant |
A font variant is one of 16 different fonts that can be part of a family. More... | |
struct | forward_value |
Functor for forwarding an forwarding-reference to variable. More... | |
struct | forward_value< char const(&)[N]> |
class | function |
class | function< Result(Arguments...)> |
class | function_fifo |
A fifo (First-in, Firts-out) for asynchronous calls. More... | |
class | function_timer |
A timer that calls functions. More... | |
class | generator |
A return value for a generator-function. More... | |
class | generator< T & > |
class | gfx_device |
class | gfx_pipeline |
struct | gfx_queue_vulkan |
class | gfx_surface |
class | gfx_surface_delegate |
A delegate for drawing on a window below the HikoGUI user interface. More... | |
class | gfx_system |
Vulkan gfx_device controller. More... | |
class | glyph_atlas_info |
struct | glyph_metrics |
struct | grapheme |
A grapheme-cluster, what a user thinks a character is. More... | |
class | group_ptr |
A smart pointer which manages ownership as a group. More... | |
struct | GSUB_ligature |
struct | GSUB_version_1_0 |
Compatible with version 1.1, all offsets start at the beginning of this header. More... | |
class | gui_window |
class | hitbox |
class | icon |
A variant of icon. More... | |
struct | invoke_task_result |
struct | is_forward_of< Context, group_ptr< Expected > > |
struct | is_invocable_task |
type-trait to determining if the given invocable Func is a task. More... | |
struct | is_numeric_integral< bigint< T, N, S > > |
struct | is_numeric_signed_integral< bigint< T, N, true > > |
struct | is_numeric_unsigned_integral< bigint< T, N, false > > |
struct | is_task |
type-trait to determine if the given type T is a task. More... | |
struct | is_task< hi::task< ResultType, DestroyFrame > > |
class | iso_3166 |
ISO-3166 country code. More... | |
class | iso_639 |
ISO-639 language code. More... | |
class | keyboard_key |
A key in combination with modifiers. More... | |
class | label |
A label consisting of localizable text and an icon. More... | |
class | locked_memory_allocator |
class | loop |
struct | mouse_buttons |
class | notifier |
A notifier which can be used to call a set of registered callbacks. More... | |
class | notifier< R(Args...)> |
class | os_settings |
class | packet |
A network message or stream buffer. More... | |
class | packet_buffer |
class | placement_array |
class | placement_ptr |
class | point2 |
A high-level geometric point Part of the high-level vec, point, mat and color types. More... | |
class | point3 |
A high-level geometric point Part of the high-level vec, point, mat and color types. More... | |
class | polymorphic_optional |
Polymorphic optional. More... | |
class | preferences |
user preferences. More... | |
class | quad |
struct | sdf_r8 |
A pixel of a single channel signed distance field. More... | |
class | secure_memory_allocator |
Memory allocator which will securely clear the memory when deallocated. More... | |
struct | seed |
Randomly generate an object. More... | |
struct | selector< label > |
class | semantic_version |
class | sfloat_rg32 |
2 x float32 pixel format. More... | |
class | sfloat_rgb32 |
3 x float32 pixel format. More... | |
class | sfloat_rgba16 |
4 x half pixel format. More... | |
class | sfloat_rgba32 |
4 x float32 pixel format. More... | |
class | sfloat_rgba32x4 |
4 x 4 x float32 pixel format. More... | |
class | shared_state |
Shared state of an application. More... | |
class | sint_abgr8_pack |
4 x int8_t packed pixel format. More... | |
class | sip_hash |
struct | sip_hash24 |
struct | sip_hash24< char * > |
struct | sip_hash24< std::basic_string< CharT, CharTrait > > |
struct | sip_hash24< std::basic_string_view< CharT, CharTrait > > |
struct | sip_hash24< std::span< T > > |
struct | sip_hash24< wchar_t * > |
struct | snorm_r8 |
1 x int8_t pixel format. More... | |
class | socket_events |
class | Socketstream |
class | srgb_abgr8_pack |
4 x uint8_t pixel packed format with sRGB transfer function. More... | |
class | stable_set |
This is a set of object with stable indices. More... | |
class | stack |
A static sized stack. More... | |
struct | swapchain_image_info |
class | tagged_id |
class | task |
A task. More... | |
class | task< void, DestroyFrame > |
struct | task_value_type |
struct | task_value_type< hi::task< ResultType, DestroyFrame > > |
class | text_cursor |
A cursor-position in text. More... | |
class | text_selection |
class | text_shaper |
Text shaper. More... | |
class | text_shaper_char |
class | text_shaper_line |
class | text_style |
struct | text_style_impl |
struct | text_sub_style |
class | theme |
class | theme_book |
theme_book keeps track of multiple themes. More... | |
class | time_stamp_count |
Since Window's 10 QueryPerformanceCounter() counts at only 10MHz which is too low to measure performance in many cases. More... | |
struct | time_stamp_utc |
Timestamp. More... | |
class | trace |
class | trace_base |
class | true_type_font |
class | uint_abgr8_pack |
4 x uint8_t pixel packed format. More... | |
class | undo_stack |
struct | unicode_bidi_context |
struct | unicode_normalize_config |
struct | unorm_a2bgr10_pack |
1 x uint2_t, 3 x uint10_t pixel packed format. More... | |
class | vector_span |
class | vector_span_iterator |
class | void_span |
class | wfree_fifo |
A wait-free multiple-producer/single-consumer fifo designed for absolute performance. More... | |
class | xorshift128p |
xorshift128+ More... | |
Concepts | |
concept | awaitable |
Check if type can be directly co_await on. | |
concept | awaitable_with_co_await_member |
concept | awaitable_with_co_await_free_function |
concept | convertible_to_awaitable |
Check if type can be casted with awaitable_cast to an awaitable. | |
Typedefs | |
using | base2 = base_n<detail::base2_alphabet, 8, 1> |
using | base8 = base_n<detail::base8_alphabet, 8, 3> |
using | base16 = base_n<detail::base16_alphabet, 2, 1> |
using | base32 = base_n<detail::base32_rfc4648_alphabet, 8, 5> |
using | base32hex = base_n<detail::base32hex_rfc4648_alphabet, 8, 5> |
using | base64 = base_n<detail::base64_rfc4648_alphabet, 4, 3> |
using | base64url = base_n<detail::base64url_rfc4648_alphabet, 4, 3> |
using | base85 = base_n<detail::base85_rfc1924_alphabet, 5, 4> |
using | ascii85 = base_n<detail::base85_btoa_alphabet, 5, 4> |
using | byteptr = std::byte * |
using | cbyteptr = std::byte const * |
using | bstring = std::basic_string<std::byte, byte_char_traits> |
using | bstring_view = std::basic_string_view<std::byte, byte_char_traits> |
template<awaitable T> | |
using | await_resume_result_t = await_resume_result<T>::type |
Get the result type of an awaitable. | |
template<typename T = void> | |
using | scoped_task = task<T, true> |
template<typename T > | |
using | task_value_type_t = task_value_type<T>::type |
template<typename Func , typename... ArgTypes> | |
using | invoke_task_result_t = invoke_task_result<Func, ArgTypes...>::type |
using | font_family_id = tagged_id<uint16_t, "font_family_id"> |
using | font_metrics_em = font_metrics<EmSquares, float> |
using | font_metrics_pt = font_metrics<Points, float> |
using | font_metrics_px = font_metrics<Pixels, float> |
using | glyph_id = tagged_id<uint16_t, "glyph_id"> |
using | ubig128 = bigint<uint64_t, 2, false> |
using | big128 = bigint<uint64_t, 2, true> |
using | uuid = bigint<uint64_t, 2, false> |
using | _sip_hash24 = sip_hash<2, 4> |
using | utc_nanoseconds = std::chrono::utc_time<std::chrono::nanoseconds> |
using | sys_nanoseconds = std::chrono::sys_time<std::chrono::nanoseconds> |
using | gstring = std::basic_string<grapheme> |
using | gstring_view = std::basic_string_view<grapheme> |
using | unicode_break_vector = std::vector<unicode_break_opportunity> |
using | unicode_break_iterator = unicode_break_vector::iterator |
using | unicode_break_const_iterator = unicode_break_vector::const_iterator |
using | int128_t = __int128 |
Signed 128 bit integer. | |
using | uint128_t = unsigned __int128 |
Unsigned 128 bit integer. | |
using | os_handle = void * |
using | thread_id = uint32_t |
template<typename T > | |
using | forward_value_t = typename forward_value<T>::type |
Get the storage type of the forward_value functor. | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | animator_state { uninitialized , idle , running , end } |
enum class | callback_flags { synchronous = 0x00 , local = 0x01 , main = 0x02 , timer = 0x03 , once = 0x1'00 } |
enum class | socket_event : uint16_t { none = 0 , read = 0x0001 , write = 0x0002 , close = 0x0004 , connect = 0x0008 , accept = 0x0010 , out_of_band = 0x0020 , qos = 0x0040 , group_qos = 0x0080 , address_list_change = 0x0100 , routing_interface_changed = 0x0200 } |
enum class | socket_error : uint8_t { success = 0 , af_not_supported , connection_refused , network_unreachable , no_buffers , timeout , network_down , connection_reset , connection_aborted } |
enum class | elusive_icon : char32_t { AddressBook = 0xf102 , AddressBookAlt = 0xf101 , Adjust = 0xf104 , AdjustAlt = 0xf103 , Adult = 0xf105 , AlignCenter = 0xf106 , AlignJustify = 0xf107 , AlignLeft = 0xf108 , AlignRight = 0xf109 , ArrowDown = 0xf10a , ArrowLeft = 0xf10b , ArrowRight = 0xf10c , ArrowUp = 0xf10d , Asl = 0xf10e , Asterisk = 0xf10f , Backward = 0xf110 , BanCircle = 0xf111 , Barcode = 0xf112 , Behance = 0xf113 , Bell = 0xf114 , Blind = 0xf115 , Blogger = 0xf116 , Bold = 0xf117 , Book = 0xf118 , Bookmark = 0xf11a , BookmarkEmpty = 0xf119 , Braille = 0xf11b , Briefcase = 0xf11c , Broom = 0xf11d , Brush = 0xf11e , Bulb = 0xf11f , Bullhorn = 0xf120 , Calendar = 0xf122 , CalendarSign = 0xf121 , Camera = 0xf123 , Car = 0xf124 , CaretDown = 0xf125 , CaretLeft = 0xf126 , CaretRight = 0xf127 , CaretUp = 0xf128 , Cc = 0xf129 , Certificate = 0xf12a , Check = 0xf12c , CheckEmpty = 0xf12b , ChevronDown = 0xf12d , ChevronLeft = 0xf12e , ChevronRight = 0xf12f , ChevronUp = 0xf130 , Child = 0xf131 , CircleArrowDown = 0xf132 , CircleArrowLeft = 0xf133 , CircleArrowRight = 0xf134 , CircleArrowUp = 0xf135 , Cloud = 0xf137 , CloudAlt = 0xf136 , Cog = 0xf139 , CogAlt = 0xf138 , Cogs = 0xf13a , Comment = 0xf13c , CommentAlt = 0xf13b , Compass = 0xf13e , CompassAlt = 0xf13d , CreditCard = 0xf13f , Css = 0xf140 , Dashboard = 0xf141 , Delicious = 0xf142 , Deviantart = 0xf143 , Digg = 0xf144 , Download = 0xf146 , DownloadAlt = 0xf145 , Dribbble = 0xf147 , Edit = 0xf148 , Eject = 0xf149 , Envelope = 0xf14b , EnvelopeAlt = 0xf14a , Error = 0xf14d , ErrorAlt = 0xf14c , Eur = 0xf14e , ExclamationSign = 0xf14f , EyeClose = 0xf150 , EyeOpen = 0xf151 , Facebook = 0xf152 , FacetimeVideo = 0xf153 , FastBackward = 0xf154 , FastForward = 0xf155 , Female = 0xf156 , File = 0xf15c , FileAlt = 0xf157 , FileEdit = 0xf159 , FileEditAlt = 0xf158 , FileNew = 0xf15b , FileNewAlt = 0xf15a , Film = 0xf15d , Filter = 0xf15e , Fire = 0xf15f , Flag = 0xf161 , FlagAlt = 0xf160 , Flickr = 0xf162 , Folder = 0xf166 , FolderClose = 0xf163 , FolderOpen = 0xf164 , FolderSign = 0xf165 , font = 0xf167 , fontsize = 0xf168 , Fork = 0xf169 , Forward = 0xf16b , ForwardAlt = 0xf16a , Foursquare = 0xf16c , Friendfeed = 0xf16e , FriendfeedRect = 0xf16d , Fullscreen = 0xf16f , Gbp = 0xf170 , Gift = 0xf171 , Github = 0xf173 , GithubText = 0xf172 , Glass = 0xf174 , Glasses = 0xf175 , Globe = 0xf177 , GlobeAlt = 0xf176 , Googleplus = 0xf178 , Graph = 0xf17a , GraphAlt = 0xf179 , Group = 0xf17c , GroupAlt = 0xf17b , Guidedog = 0xf17d , HandDown = 0xf17e , HandLeft = 0xf17f , HandRight = 0xf180 , HandUp = 0xf181 , Hdd = 0xf182 , Headphones = 0xf183 , HearingImpaired = 0xf184 , Heart = 0xf187 , HeartAlt = 0xf185 , HeartEmpty = 0xf186 , Home = 0xf189 , HomeAlt = 0xf188 , Hourglass = 0xf18a , Idea = 0xf18c , IdeaAlt = 0xf18b , Inbox = 0xf18f , InboxAlt = 0xf18d , InboxBox = 0xf18e , IndentLeft = 0xf190 , IndentRight = 0xf191 , InfoCircle = 0xf192 , Instagram = 0xf193 , IphoneHome = 0xf194 , Italic = 0xf195 , Key = 0xf196 , Laptop = 0xf198 , LaptopAlt = 0xf197 , Lastfm = 0xf199 , Leaf = 0xf19a , Lines = 0xf19b , Link = 0xf19c , Linkedin = 0xf19d , List = 0xf19f , ListAlt = 0xf19e , Livejournal = 0xf1a0 , Lock = 0xf1a2 , LockAlt = 0xf1a1 , Magic = 0xf1a3 , Magnet = 0xf1a4 , Male = 0xf1a5 , MapMarker = 0xf1a7 , MapMarkerAlt = 0xf1a6 , Mic = 0xf1a9 , MicAlt = 0xf1a8 , Minus = 0xf1ab , MinusSign = 0xf1aa , Move = 0xf1ac , Music = 0xf1ad , Myspace = 0xf1ae , Network = 0xf1af , Off = 0xf1b0 , Ok = 0xf1b3 , OkCircle = 0xf1b1 , OkSign = 0xf1b2 , Opensource = 0xf1b4 , PaperClip = 0xf1b6 , PaperClipAlt = 0xf1b5 , Path = 0xf1b7 , Pause = 0xf1b9 , PauseAlt = 0xf1b8 , Pencil = 0xf1bb , PencilAlt = 0xf1ba , Person = 0xf1bc , Phone = 0xf1be , PhoneAlt = 0xf1bd , Photo = 0xf1c0 , PhotoAlt = 0xf1bf , Picasa = 0xf1c1 , Picture = 0xf1c2 , Pinterest = 0xf1c3 , Plane = 0xf1c4 , Play = 0xf1c7 , PlayAlt = 0xf1c5 , PlayCircle = 0xf1c6 , Plurk = 0xf1c9 , PlurkAlt = 0xf1c8 , Plus = 0xf1cb , PlusSign = 0xf1ca , Podcast = 0xf1cc , Print = 0xf1cd , Puzzle = 0xf1ce , Qrcode = 0xf1cf , Question = 0xf1d1 , QuestionSign = 0xf1d0 , QuoteAlt = 0xf1d2 , QuoteRight = 0xf1d4 , QuoteRightAlt = 0xf1d3 , Quotes = 0xf1d5 , Random = 0xf1d6 , Record = 0xf1d7 , Reddit = 0xf1d8 , Redux = 0xf1d9 , Refresh = 0xf1da , Remove = 0xf1dd , RemoveCircle = 0xf1db , RemoveSign = 0xf1dc , Repeat = 0xf1df , RepeatAlt = 0xf1de , ResizeFull = 0xf1e0 , ResizeHorizontal = 0xf1e1 , ResizeSmall = 0xf1e2 , ResizeVertical = 0xf1e3 , ReturnKey = 0xf1e4 , Retweet = 0xf1e5 , ReverseAlt = 0xf1e6 , Road = 0xf1e7 , Rss = 0xf1e8 , Scissors = 0xf1e9 , Screen = 0xf1eb , ScreenAlt = 0xf1ea , Screenshot = 0xf1ec , Search = 0xf1ee , SearchAlt = 0xf1ed , Share = 0xf1f0 , ShareAlt = 0xf1ef , ShoppingCart = 0xf1f2 , ShoppingCartSign = 0xf1f1 , Signal = 0xf1f3 , Skype = 0xf1f4 , Slideshare = 0xf1f5 , Smiley = 0xf1f7 , SmileyAlt = 0xf1f6 , Soundcloud = 0xf1f8 , Speaker = 0xf1f9 , Spotify = 0xf1fa , Stackoverflow = 0xf1fb , Star = 0xf1fe , StarAlt = 0xf1fc , StarEmpty = 0xf1fd , StepBackward = 0xf1ff , StepForward = 0xf200 , Stop = 0xf202 , StopAlt = 0xf201 , Stumbleupon = 0xf203 , Tag = 0xf204 , Tags = 0xf205 , Tasks = 0xf206 , TextHeight = 0xf207 , TextWidth = 0xf208 , Th = 0xf20b , ThLarge = 0xf209 , ThList = 0xf20a , ThumbsDown = 0xf20c , ThumbsUp = 0xf20d , Time = 0xf20f , TimeAlt = 0xf20e , Tint = 0xf210 , Torso = 0xf211 , Trash = 0xf213 , TrashAlt = 0xf212 , Tumblr = 0xf214 , Twitter = 0xf215 , UniversalAccess = 0xf216 , Unlock = 0xf218 , UnlockAlt = 0xf217 , Upload = 0xf219 , Usd = 0xf21a , User = 0xf21b , Viadeo = 0xf21c , Video = 0xf21f , VideoAlt = 0xf21d , VideoChat = 0xf21e , ViewMode = 0xf220 , Vimeo = 0xf221 , Vkontakte = 0xf222 , VolumeDown = 0xf223 , VolumeOff = 0xf224 , VolumeUp = 0xf225 , W3c = 0xf226 , WarningSign = 0xf227 , Website = 0xf229 , WebsiteAlt = 0xf228 , Wheelchair = 0xf22a , Wordpress = 0xf22b , Wrench = 0xf22d , WrenchAlt = 0xf22c , Youtube = 0xf22e , ZoomIn = 0xf22f , ZoomOut = 0xf230 } |
enum class | font_weight { thin , extra_light , light , regular , medium , semi_bold , bold , extra_bold , black , extra_black } |
enum class | hikogui_icon : char32_t { MinimizeWindow = 0xf301 , MaximizeWindowMS = 0xf302 , RestoreWindowMS = 0xf303 , CloseWindow = 0xf304 , RestoreWindowMacOS = 0xf305 , MaximizeWindowMacOS = 0xf306 , none_0_0 = 0xf3c0 , mono_1_0 = 0xf3c1 , mono_1_1 = 0xf3c2 , stereo_2_0 = 0xf3c3 , stereo_2_1 = 0xf3c4 , stereo_3_0 = 0xf3c5 , stereo_3_1 = 0xf3c6 , surround_3_0 = 0xf3c7 , surround_3_1 = 0xf3c8 , surround_4_0 = 0xf3c9 , surround_4_1 = 0xf3ca , surround_5_0 = 0xf3cb , surround_5_1 = 0xf3cc , surround_7_0 = 0xf3cd , surround_7_1 = 0xf3ce , surround_9_0 = 0xf3cf , surround_9_1 = 0xf3d0 , surround_11_0 = 0xf3d1 , surround_11_1 = 0xf3d2 , surround_side_5_0 = 0xf3d3 , surround_side_5_1 = 0xf3d4 , surround_side_6_0 = 0xf3d5 , surround_side_6_1 = 0xf3d6 , surround_side_7_0 = 0xf3d7 , surround_side_7_1 = 0xf3d8 , surround_wide_6_0 = 0xf3d9 , surround_wide_6_1 = 0xf3da , surround_wide_7_0 = 0xf3db , surround_wide_7_1 = 0xf3dc , quad_4_0 = 0xf3dd , quad_4_1 = 0xf3de , quad_side_4_0 = 0xf3df , quad_side_4_1 = 0xf3e0 , hexagonal_6_0 = 0xf3e1 , hexagonal_6_1 = 0xf3e2 , octagonal_8_0 = 0xf3e3 , octagonal_8_1 = 0xf3e4 , surround_atmos_5_1_4 = 0xf3e5 , surround_atmos_7_1_4 = 0xf3e6 } |
enum class | gfx_surface_state { no_window , has_window , has_device , has_swapchain } |
enum class | gfx_surface_loss { none , swapchain_lost , device_lost , window_lost } |
enum class | gui_window_size { normal , minimized , maximized , fullscreen } |
enum class | hitbox_type : uint8_t { outside , _default , button , scroll_bar , text_edit , move_area , bottom_resize_border , top_resize_border , left_resize_border , right_resize_border , bottom_left_resize_corner , bottom_right_resize_corner , top_left_resize_corner , top_right_resize_corner , application_icon } |
enum class | keyboard_focus_direction { here , backward , forward } |
The keyboard focus group used for finding a widget that will accept a particular focus. More... | |
enum class | keyboard_focus_group { normal = 1 , menu = 2 , toolbar = 4 , mouse = 8 , all = normal | menu | toolbar | mouse } |
The keyboard focus group used for finding a widget that will accept a particular focus. More... | |
enum class | keyboard_modifiers : uint8_t { none = 0x00 , shift = 0x01 , control = 0x02 , alt = 0x04 , super = 0x08 } |
Key modification keys pressed at the same time as another key. More... | |
enum class | keyboard_state : uint8_t { idle = 0x00 , caps_lock = 0x01 , scroll_lock = 0x02 , num_lock = 0x04 } |
enum class | keyboard_virtual_key : uint8_t { nul = 0 , A = 'a' , B = 'b' , C = 'c' , D = 'd' , E = 'e' , F = 'f' , G = 'g' , H = 'h' , I = 'i' , J = 'j' , K = 'k' , L = 'l' , M = 'm' , N = 'n' , O = 'o' , P = 'p' , Q = 'q' , R = 'r' , S = 's' , T = 't' , U = 'u' , V = 'v' , W = 'w' , X = 'x' , Y = 'y' , Z = 'z' , _0 = '0' , _1 = '1' , _2 = '2' , _3 = '3' , _4 = '4' , _5 = '5' , _6 = '6' , _7 = '7' , _8 = '8' , _9 = '9' , plus = '+' , minus = '-' , star = '*' , slash = '/' , percent = '' , tilde = '~' , ampersant = '&' , pipe = '|' , caret = '^' , less = '<' , equal = '=' , greater = '>' , open_parentheses = '(' , close_parentheses = ')' , open_bracket = '[' , close_bracket = ']' , open_brace = '{' , close_brace = '}' , period = '.' , comma = ',' , colon = ':' , semi_colon = ';' , bang = '!' , question = '?' , space = ' ' , tab = '\t' , enter = '\n' , backtick = '`' , quote = '\'' , double_quote = '"' , at = '@' , hash = '#' , dollar = '$' , underscore = '_' , backslash = '\\' , F1 = 'A' , F2 = 'B' , F3 = 'C' , F4 = 'D' , F5 = 'E' , F6 = 'F' , F7 = 'G' , F8 = 'H' , F9 = 'I' , F10 = 'J' , F11 = 'K' , F12 = 'L' , F13 = 'M' , F14 = 'N' , F15 = 'O' , F16 = 'P' , F17 = 'Q' , F18 = 'R' , F19 = 'S' , F20 = 'T' , F21 = 'U' , F22 = 'V' , F23 = 'W' , F24 = 'X' , home = 0x02 , end = 0x03 , backspace = 0x08 , clear = 0x0c , insert = 0x1a , escape = 0x1b , _delete = 0x7f , left = 0x80 , right , up , down , page_up , page_down , menu , print_screen , pause_break , sysmenu , media_next_track , media_prev_track , media_stop , media_play_pause , volume_mute , volume_up , volume_down , browser_back , browser_forward , browser_home , browser_refresh , browser_stop , browser_search , browser_favorites } |
enum class | mouse_cursor { None , Default , TextEdit , Button } |
enum class | graphic_character_t { none = 0x00 , exclamation_mark = 0x01 , double_quote = 0x02 , hash = 0x03 , dollar = 0x04 , percent = 0x05 , ampersand = 0x06 , single_quote = 0x07 , open_paren = 0x08 , close_paren = 0x09 , star = 0x0a , plus = 0x0b , comma = 0x0c , minus = 0x0d , dot = 0x0e , slash = 0x0f , colon = 0x10 , semi_colon = 0x11 , less_than = 0x12 , equal = 0x13 , greater_than = 0x14 , question_mark = 0x15 , open_bracket = 0x16 , back_slash = 0x17 , close_bracket = 0x18 , carret = 0x19 , underscore = 0x1a , back_quote = 0x1b , open_brace = 0x1c , pipe = 0x1d , close_brace = 0x1e , tilde = 0x1f } |
enum class | subpixel_orientation { unknown , horizontal_rgb , horizontal_bgr , vertical_rgb , vertical_bgr } |
The orientation of the RGB sub-pixels of and LCD/LED panel. More... | |
enum class | theme_mode { light , dark } |
enum class | semantic_text_style : unsigned char { label , small_label , warning , error , help , placeholder , link } |
enum class | text_decoration { None , Underline , WavyUnderline , StrikeThrough } |
Describes how a grapheme should be underlined when rendering the text. More... | |
enum class | phrasing : uint8_t { phrasing::regular = 0 , phrasing::emphesis = 1 , phrasing::strong = 2 , phrasing::code = 3 , phrasing::abbreviation = 4 , phrasing::quote = 5 , phrasing::keyboard = 6 , phrasing::highlight = 7 , phrasing::math = 8 , phrasing::example = 9 , phrasing::unarticulated = 10 , phrasing::title = 11 , phrasing::success = 12 , phrasing::warning = 13 , phrasing::error = 14 } |
Phrasing. More... | |
enum class | phrasing_mask : uint16_t { regular = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::regular) , emphesis = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::emphesis) , strong = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::strong) , code = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::code) , abbreviation = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::abbreviation) , quote = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::quote) , keyboard = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::keyboard) , highlight = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::highlight) , math = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::math) , example = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::example) , unarticulated = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::unarticulated) , title = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::title) , success = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::success) , warning = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::warning) , error = 1 << std::to_underlying(phrasing::error) , all } |
enum class | unicode_break_opportunity : uint8_t { no , yes , mandatory , unassigned } |
Functions | |
template<typename T , typename U , typename F > | |
T | transform (const U &input, F operation) |
Transform an input container to the output container. | |
template<typename T , std::size_t N, typename F > | |
constexpr std::array< T, N > | generate_array (F operation) |
Generate data in an array. | |
template<typename It > | |
constexpr It | unordered_remove (It first, It last, It element) |
Remove element from a container. | |
template<typename It , typename UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr It | rfind_if (It const first, It const last, UnaryPredicate predicate) |
template<typename It , typename UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr It | rfind_if_not (It const first, It const last, UnaryPredicate predicate) |
template<typename It , typename T > | |
constexpr It | rfind (It const first, It const last, T const &value) |
template<typename It , typename ItAny > | |
constexpr It | find_any (It data_first, It data_last, ItAny value_first, ItAny value_last) noexcept |
Find the first occurrence of an value in a data. | |
template<typename ConstIt , typename It , typename UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr It | find_cluster (ConstIt last, It start, UnaryPredicate predicate) |
Find the start of the current cluster. | |
template<typename ConstIt , typename It , typename UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr It | rfind_cluster (ConstIt first, It start, UnaryPredicate predicate) |
Find the start of the current cluster. | |
template<typename ConstIt , typename It , typename UnaryPredicate > | |
constexpr std::pair< It, It > | bifind_cluster (ConstIt first, ConstIt last, It start, UnaryPredicate predicate) |
Find the begin and end of the current cluster. | |
template<typename It , typename S , typename F > | |
void | for_each_cluster (It first, It last, S IsClusterSeperator, F Function) |
template<typename InputIt1 , typename InputIt2 , typename BinaryPredicate > | |
std::pair< InputIt1, InputIt2 > | rmismatch (InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2, BinaryPredicate predicate) noexcept |
template<typename InputIt1 , typename InputIt2 > | |
std::pair< InputIt1, InputIt2 > | rmismatch (InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1, InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
T | smoothstep (T x) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
T | inverse_smoothstep (T x) |
auto | shuffle_by_index (auto first, auto last, auto indices_first, auto indices_last, auto index_op) noexcept |
Shuffle a container based on a list of indices. | |
auto | shuffle_by_index (auto first, auto last, auto indices_first, auto indices_last) noexcept |
Shuffle a container based on a list of indices. | |
template<typename DataIt , typename ValueIt > | |
DataIt | front_strip (DataIt data_first, DataIt data_last, ValueIt value_first, ValueIt value_last) noexcept |
Strip data from the front side. | |
template<typename DataIt , typename ValueIt > | |
DataIt | back_strip (DataIt data_first, DataIt data_last, ValueIt value_first, ValueIt value_last) noexcept |
Strip data from the back side. | |
template<std::endian Endian = std::endian::native, typename T , std::unsigned_integral Key> | |
constexpr T * | fast_lower_bound (std::span< T > table, Key const &key) noexcept |
The fast lower bound algorithm. | |
template<std::endian Endian = std::endian::native, typename T , std::unsigned_integral Key> | |
constexpr T * | fast_binary_search_eq (std::span< T > table, Key const &key) noexcept |
Search for the item that is equal to the key. | |
template<typename Value , typename Range > | |
constexpr Value | get_first (Range &&range) |
template<typename Range > | |
constexpr Range::value_type | get_first (Range &&range) |
template<typename Value , typename Range > | |
constexpr std::vector< Value > | make_vector (Range &&range) |
Make a vector from a view. | |
template<typename Range > | |
constexpr std::vector< typename Range::value_type > | make_vector (Range &&range) |
constexpr bool | is_upper (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_lower (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_alpha (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_digit (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_alpha_num (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_line_feed (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_white_space (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_number_first (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_name_first (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_name_next (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_quote (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_open_bracket (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_close_bracket (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_operator (char c) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_digit (std::string_view str) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_alpha (std::string_view str) noexcept |
constexpr char | to_lower (char c) noexcept |
constexpr char | to_upper (char c) noexcept |
std::string | to_lower (std::string_view str) noexcept |
std::string | to_upper (std::string_view str) noexcept |
constexpr std::string | to_title (std::string_view rhs) noexcept |
Convert the current string to using title case. | |
template<size_t N> | |
constexpr fixed_string< N > | to_title (fixed_string< N > const &rhs) noexcept |
Convert the current string to using title case. | |
std::string | normalize_lf (std::string_view str) noexcept |
Normalize string to use only line-feeds. | |
std::string | make_identifier (std::string_view str) noexcept |
Encode a string to be usable as an id. | |
constexpr std::string | make_slug (std::string_view str) noexcept |
Create a slug from a string. | |
constexpr bool | is_slug (std::string_view str) noexcept |
std::string | make_title (std::string_view str) noexcept |
Create a title from a string. | |
template<typename T , size_t N> requires (sizeof(T) == 1 and (N == 4 or N == 5)) | |
constexpr uint32_t | fourcc (T const (&txt)[N]) noexcept |
constexpr uint32_t | fourcc_from_cstr (char const *txt) noexcept |
std::string | fourcc_to_string (uint32_t x) noexcept |
constexpr std::size_t | string_size (sizeable auto str) noexcept |
constexpr std::size_t | string_size (auto str) noexcept |
template<typename FirstNeedle , typename... Needles> | |
std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > | string_find_any (std::string_view haystack, std::size_t pos, FirstNeedle const &first_needle, Needles const &...needles) noexcept |
template<typename StringType , typename... Needles> | |
std::vector< StringType > | _split (std::string_view haystack, Needles const &...needles) noexcept |
template<typename... Needles> | |
std::vector< std::string > | split (std::string_view haystack, Needles const &...needles) noexcept |
std::vector< std::string > | split (std::string_view haystack) noexcept |
template<typename... Needles> | |
std::vector< std::string_view > | split_view (std::string_view haystack, Needles const &...needles) noexcept |
std::vector< std::string_view > | split_view (std::string_view haystack) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > | |
std::basic_string< CharT > | join (std::vector< std::basic_string< CharT > > const &list, std::basic_string_view< CharT > const joiner={}) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > | |
std::basic_string< CharT > | join (std::vector< std::basic_string< CharT > > const &list, std::basic_string< CharT > const &joiner) noexcept |
template<typename CharT > | |
std::basic_string< CharT > | join (std::vector< std::basic_string< CharT > > const &list, CharT const *joiner) noexcept |
std::string | join (std::vector< std::string_view > const &list, std::string_view const joiner={}) noexcept |
template<typename It > | |
std::pair< int, int > | count_line_and_columns (It begin, It const end) |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> | |
constexpr auto | to_array_without_last (T(&rhs)[N]) noexcept |
Create an std::array from a one dimensional array, without the last element. | |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> | |
constexpr auto | to_array_without_last (T(&&rhs)[N]) noexcept |
Create an std::array from a one dimensional array, without the last element. | |
std::string | lstrip (std::string_view haystack, std::string needle=" \t\r\n\f") noexcept |
std::string | rstrip (std::string_view haystack, std::string needle=" \t\r\n\f") noexcept |
std::string | strip (std::string_view haystack, std::string needle=" \t\r\n\f") noexcept |
hi_export datum | decode_BON8 (std::span< const std::byte > buffer) |
Decode BON8 message from buffer. | |
hi_export datum | decode_BON8 (bstring const &buffer) |
Decode BON8 message from buffer. | |
hi_export datum | decode_BON8 (bstring_view buffer) |
Decode BON8 message from buffer. | |
hi_export bstring | encode_BON8 (datum const &value) |
Encode a value to a BON8 message. | |
template<std::input_iterator It, std::sentinel_for< It > ItEnd> | |
hi_export constexpr datum | parse_JSON (It it, ItEnd last, std::string_view path=std::string_view{"<none>"}) |
hi_export constexpr datum | parse_JSON (std::string_view text, std::string_view path=std::string_view{"<none>"}) |
Parse a JSON string. | |
hi_export constexpr datum | parse_JSON (std::string const &text, std::string_view path=std::string_view{"<none>"}) |
Parse a JSON string. | |
hi_export constexpr datum | parse_JSON (char const *text, std::string_view path=std::string_view{"<none>"}) |
Parse a JSON string. | |
hi_export datum | parse_JSON (std::filesystem::path const &path) |
Parse a JSON string. | |
hi_export constexpr void | format_JSON_impl (datum const &value, std::string &result, hi::indent indent={}) |
hi_export constexpr std::string | format_JSON (datum const &root) |
Dump an datum object into a JSON string. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | fetch_max (std::atomic< T > &lhs, T rhs, std::memory_order order) noexcept |
Lock-free fetch-then-max operation on an atomic. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | fetch_min (std::atomic< T > &lhs, T rhs, std::memory_order order) noexcept |
Lock-free fetch-then-min operation on an atomic. | |
constexpr callback_flags | operator| (callback_flags const &lhs, callback_flags const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_once (callback_flags const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_synchronous (callback_flags const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_local (callback_flags const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_main (callback_flags const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | is_timer (callback_flags const &rhs) noexcept |
thread_id | current_thread_id () noexcept |
void | set_thread_name (std::string_view name) noexcept |
std::vector< bool > | mask_int_to_vec (DWORD_PTR rhs) noexcept |
DWORD_PTR | mask_vec_to_int (std::vector< bool > const &rhs) noexcept |
std::vector< bool > | process_affinity_mask () |
std::vector< bool > | set_thread_affinity_mask (std::vector< bool > const &mask) |
std::size_t | current_cpu_id () noexcept |
bstring | to_bstring (std::string_view src) noexcept |
bstring | to_bstring (std::integral auto... args) noexcept |
template<typename Proto , typename Func > | |
auto | make_function (Func &&func) |
template<typename Proto , typename Func > | |
auto | make_async_function (Func &&func) |
std::pair< int, char ** > | crt_start (int argc, char **argv, void *instance, int show_cmd) |
Start the hikogui system. | |
std::pair< int, char ** > | crt_start (void *instance, int show_cmd) |
Start the hikogui system. | |
std::pair< int, char ** > | crt_start (int argc, char **argv) |
Start the hikogui system. | |
int | crt_finish (int argc, char **argv, int exit_code) |
Finish the hikogui system. | |
constexpr socket_event | operator| (socket_event const &lhs, socket_event const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr socket_event | operator& (socket_event const &lhs, socket_event const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr socket_event & | operator|= (socket_event &lhs, socket_event const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | to_bool (socket_event const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr size_t | bit (socket_event const &rhs) noexcept |
Get the bit index of the single bit of the socket_event mask. | |
constexpr socket_event | socket_event_from_win32 (long rhs) noexcept |
constexpr socket_error | socket_error_from_win32 (int rhs) noexcept |
constexpr socket_events | socket_events_from_win32 (WSANETWORKEVENTS const &rhs) noexcept |
template<convertible_to_awaitable... Args> | |
auto | when_any (Args const &...args) |
await on a set of objects which can be converted to an awaitable. | |
hi_export font & | register_font_file (std::filesystem::path const &path) |
Register a font. | |
hi_export void | register_font_directory (std::filesystem::path const &path) |
template<typename Range > | |
hi_export void | register_font_directories (Range &&range) noexcept |
hi_export font_family_id | find_font_family (std::string const &family_name) noexcept |
Find font family id. | |
hi_export font const & | find_font (font_family_id family_id, font_variant variant=font_variant{}) noexcept |
Find a font closest to the variant. | |
hi_export font const * | find_font (std::string const &family_name, font_variant variant=font_variant{}) noexcept |
Find a font closest to the variant. | |
hi_export auto | find_glyph (font const &font, grapheme grapheme) noexcept |
Find a glyph using the given code-point. | |
hi_export auto | find_glyph (font const &font, char32_t code_point) noexcept |
Find a glyph using the given code-point. | |
hi_export auto | find_glyph (elusive_icon rhs) noexcept |
hi_export auto | find_glyph (hikogui_icon rhs) noexcept |
constexpr font_weight & | operator++ (font_weight &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr font_weight & | operator-- (font_weight &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr font_weight | font_weight_from_int (numeric_integral auto rhs) |
Convert a font weight value between 50 and 1000 to a font weight. | |
constexpr font_weight | font_weight_from_string (std::string_view rhs) |
constexpr std::string_view | to_string_view (font_weight const &x) noexcept |
constexpr std::string | to_string (font_weight const &x) noexcept |
constexpr char | to_char (font_weight const &x) noexcept |
constexpr int | to_int (font_weight const &x) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, font_weight const &rhs) |
constexpr bool | almost_equal (font_weight const &lhs, font_weight const &rhs) noexcept |
generator< font_weight > | alternatives (font_weight start) noexcept |
Generate alternatives for the font_weight. | |
constexpr point3 | operator+ (point2 const &lhs, vector3 const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr point3 | operator+ (vector3 const &lhs, point2 const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr point3 | operator- (point2 const &lhs, vector3 const &rhs) noexcept |
std::unique_ptr< gfx_surface > | make_unique_gfx_surface (os_handle instance, void *os_window) |
gfx_device * | find_best_device (gfx_surface const &surface) |
Find the best device for a surface. | |
vk::Instance | vulkan_instance () noexcept |
vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic | vulkan_loader () noexcept |
gfx_device * | find_best_device (vk::SurfaceKHR surface) |
Find the best device for a Vulkan surface. | |
constexpr keyboard_focus_group | operator& (keyboard_focus_group const &lhs, keyboard_focus_group const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_focus_group | operator| (keyboard_focus_group const &lhs, keyboard_focus_group const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | to_bool (keyboard_focus_group group) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_modifiers | operator| (keyboard_modifiers const &lhs, keyboard_modifiers const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_modifiers | operator& (keyboard_modifiers const &lhs, keyboard_modifiers const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_modifiers & | operator|= (keyboard_modifiers &lhs, keyboard_modifiers const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | to_bool (keyboard_modifiers const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (keyboard_modifiers const &lhs, keyboard_modifiers const &rhs)=delete |
keyboard_modifiers | to_keyboard_modifiers (std::string_view s) |
Parse a key-binding modifier name. | |
std::string | to_string (keyboard_modifiers modifiers) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, keyboard_modifiers const &rhs) |
constexpr keyboard_state | operator| (keyboard_state const &lhs, keyboard_state const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_state | operator& (keyboard_state const &lhs, keyboard_state const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_state & | operator|= (keyboard_state &lhs, keyboard_state const &rhs) noexcept |
bool | operator>= (keyboard_state const &lhs, keyboard_state const &rhs)=delete |
constexpr bool | to_bool (keyboard_state const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr keyboard_virtual_key | to_keyboard_virtual_key (std::string_view s) |
constexpr keyboard_virtual_key | to_keyboard_virtual_key (int key_code, bool extended, keyboard_modifiers modifiers) noexcept |
constexpr std::string_view | to_string_view (keyboard_virtual_key key) noexcept |
std::string | to_string (keyboard_virtual_key key) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, keyboard_virtual_key const &rhs) |
void | register_theme_directory (std::filesystem::path const &path) noexcept |
void | reload_themes () noexcept |
template<std::ranges::range R> | |
void | register_theme_directories (R &&r) noexcept |
theme const & | find_theme (std::string_view name, theme_mode mode) noexcept |
std::vector< std::string > | theme_names () noexcept |
theme const & | get_selected_theme () noexcept |
constexpr void | fill (pixmap_span< sfloat_rgba16 > image, f32x4 color) noexcept |
constexpr int8_t | make_snorm_r8_value (float rhs) noexcept |
std::tuple< bool, std::size_t, bool, std::size_t > | _parse_spreadsheet_address (std::string_view &address) |
std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > | parse_spreadsheet_address (std::string_view address, std::size_t start_column_nr=0, std::size_t start_row_nr=0) |
Parse a spreadsheet address. | |
std::tuple< std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t > | parse_spreadsheet_range (std::string_view address, std::size_t start_column_nr=0, std::size_t start_row_nr=0) |
Parse a spreadsheet range. | |
std::byte * | locked_memory_allocator_allocate (std::size_t n) noexcept |
void | locked_memory_allocator_deallocate (std::byte *p, std::size_t n) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
hi_force_inline constexpr lean_vector< T > | solvePolynomial (T const &a, T const &b) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
hi_force_inline constexpr lean_vector< T > | solvePolynomial (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
hi_force_inline lean_vector< T > | solveDepressedCubicTrig (T const &p, T const &q) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
hi_force_inline lean_vector< T > | solveDepressedCubicCardano (T const &p, T const &q, T const &D) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
hi_force_inline lean_vector< T > | solveDepressedCubic (T const &p, T const &q) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
hi_force_inline constexpr lean_vector< T > | solvePolynomial (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d) noexcept |
constexpr graphic_character_t | char_to_graphic_character (char x) noexcept |
constexpr uint64_t | operator_to_int (std::string_view str) noexcept |
constexpr std::pair< uint8_t, bool > | binary_operator_precedence (std::string_view str) noexcept |
Binary Operator Precedence according to C++. | |
constexpr std::pair< uint8_t, bool > | operator_precedence (std::string_view str, bool binary) noexcept |
Operator Precedence according to C++. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | check_alignment (void const *ptr) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename Byte > | |
auto | make_placement_ptr (std::span< Byte > bytes, std::size_t &offset) |
template<typename T , typename Byte > | |
auto | make_placement_ptr (std::span< Byte > bytes, std::size_t &&offset=0) |
template<typename T , byte_like Byte> | |
auto | make_placement_array (std::span< Byte > bytes, std::size_t &offset, std::size_t n) |
template<typename T , byte_like Byte> | |
auto | make_placement_array (std::span< Byte > bytes, std::size_t &&offset, std::size_t n) |
template<typename T , byte_like Byte> | |
auto | make_placement_array (std::span< Byte > bytes, std::size_t &offset) |
template<typename T , byte_like Byte> | |
auto | make_placement_array (std::span< Byte > bytes, std::size_t &&offset=0) |
void | generate_seed (void *ptr, size_t size) |
Load a random seed. | |
void | secure_clear (void *ptr, size_t size) noexcept |
Securely clear memory. | |
void | secure_clear (trivially_copyable auto &object) noexcept |
Securely clear an object. | |
template<typename It > | |
void | secure_clear (It first, It last) noexcept |
Securely clear a set of objects. | |
void | secure_destroy_at (auto *p) |
template<typename It > | |
void | secure_destroy (It first, It last) |
Securely destroy objects. | |
template<typename It , typename OutIt > | |
void | secure_uninitialized_move (It first, It last, OutIt d_first) |
Securely move objects. | |
constexpr extent2 | sub_pixel_size (subpixel_orientation orientation) noexcept |
Get the size of a sub-pixel based on the sub-pixel orientation. | |
std::string_view | to_string (theme_mode rhs) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, theme_mode rhs) |
detail::counter * | get_global_counter_if (std::string const &name) |
constexpr int | format_count (std::string_view fmt) noexcept |
Count arguments of a std::format format string. | |
std::string_view | to_string (text_decoration const &rhs) noexcept |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, text_decoration const &rhs) |
constexpr std::string | format_engineering (std::chrono::nanoseconds duration) |
constexpr bool | operator== (gstring_view const &lhs, std::string_view const &rhs) noexcept |
template<std::input_or_output_iterator It, std::sentinel_for< It > ItEnd> | |
constexpr void | set_language (It first, ItEnd last, language_tag language) noexcept |
Set the language for the string. | |
constexpr gstring | set_language (gstring str, language_tag language) noexcept |
template<std::input_or_output_iterator It, std::sentinel_for< It > ItEnd> requires (std::is_same_v<std::iter_value_t<It>, grapheme>) | |
constexpr void | fix_language (It first, ItEnd last, language_tag default_language_tag) noexcept |
Fix the language for the string. | |
constexpr gstring | fix_language (gstring str, language_tag default_language_tag) noexcept |
constexpr gstring | to_gstring (std::u32string_view rhs, unicode_normalize_config config=unicode_normalize_config::NFC()) noexcept |
Convert a UTF-32 string-view to a grapheme-string. | |
constexpr gstring | to_gstring (std::string_view rhs, unicode_normalize_config config=unicode_normalize_config::NFC()) noexcept |
Convert a UTF-8 string to a grapheme-string. | |
constexpr std::string | to_string (gstring_view rhs) noexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8. | |
constexpr std::wstring | to_wstring (gstring_view rhs) noexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8. | |
constexpr std::u32string | to_u32string (gstring_view rhs) noexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8. | |
constexpr std::string | to_string (gstring const &rhs) noexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8. | |
constexpr std::optional< phrasing > | to_phrasing (char c) |
constexpr phrasing_mask | operator& (phrasing_mask const &lhs, phrasing_mask const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr phrasing_mask | operator| (phrasing_mask const &lhs, phrasing_mask const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr phrasing_mask | to_phrasing_mask (phrasing const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr phrasing_mask | to_phrasing_mask (std::string const &str) |
constexpr bool | all (phrasing_mask const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | to_bool (phrasing_mask const &rhs) noexcept |
constexpr bool | matches (phrasing_mask const &lhs, phrasing const &rhs) noexcept |
Check if the text-phrasing is included in the text-phrasing-mask. | |
template<typename It , typename GetCodePoint , typename SetCodePoint , typename SetTextDirection > | |
constexpr std::pair< It, std::vector< unicode_bidi_class > > | unicode_bidi (It first, It last, GetCodePoint get_code_point, SetCodePoint set_code_point, SetTextDirection set_text_direction, unicode_bidi_context const &context={}) |
Reorder a given range of characters based on the unicode_bidi algorithm. | |
template<typename It , typename GetCodePoint > | |
constexpr unicode_bidi_class | unicode_bidi_direction (It first, It last, GetCodePoint get_code_point, unicode_bidi_context const &context={}) |
Get the unicode bidi direction for the first paragraph and context. | |
template<typename It , typename EndIt , typename CodePointFunc > | |
constexpr It | unicode_bidi_control_filter (It first, EndIt last, CodePointFunc const &code_point_func) |
Removes control characters which will not survive the bidi-algorithm. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &lhs, unicode_break_opportunity const &rhs) |
template<typename It , typename ItEnd , typename CodePointFunc > | |
unicode_break_vector | unicode_line_break (It first, ItEnd last, CodePointFunc const &code_point_func) noexcept |
The unicode line break algorithm UAX #14. | |
constexpr std::vector< size_t > | unicode_line_break (unicode_break_vector const &opportunities, std::vector< float > const &widths, float maximum_line_width) |
Unicode break lines. | |
constexpr std::u32string | unicode_decompose (std::u32string_view text, unicode_normalize_config config=unicode_normalize_config::NFD()) noexcept |
Convert text to a Unicode decomposed normal form. | |
constexpr std::u32string | unicode_normalize (std::u32string_view text, unicode_normalize_config config=unicode_normalize_config::NFC()) noexcept |
Convert text to a Unicode composed normal form. | |
template<std::input_iterator It, std::sentinel_for< It > ItEnd> | |
constexpr bool | unicode_is_NFC_grapheme (It it, ItEnd last) noexcept |
Check if the string of code-points is a single grapheme in NFC normal form. | |
template<typename It , typename ItEnd , typename CodePointFunc > | |
unicode_break_vector | unicode_sentence_break (It first, ItEnd last, CodePointFunc const &code_point_func) noexcept |
The unicode word break algorithm UAX#29. | |
template<typename It , typename ItEnd , typename CodePointFunc > | |
unicode_break_vector | unicode_word_break (It first, ItEnd last, CodePointFunc const &code_point_func) noexcept |
The unicode word break algorithm UAX#29. | |
void | wrap_lines (auto first, auto last, float max_width, auto get_width, auto get_code_point, auto set_code_point) noexcept |
Wrap lines in text that are too wide. | |
constexpr std::size_t | hash_mix_two (std::size_t hash1, std::size_t hash2) noexcept |
template<typename First , typename Second , typename... Args> | |
constexpr std::size_t | hash_mix (First &&first, Second &&second, Args &&...args) noexcept |
template<typename Iterator > | |
auto | mean (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
template<typename Iterator , typename T > | |
auto | stddev (Iterator first, Iterator last, T mean) |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr bool | inplace_max (T &a, T const &b) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr bool | inplace_min (T &a, T const &b) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr void | inplace_clamp (T &a, T const &lo, T const &hi) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | abs (T a) noexcept |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr bool | almost_equal (T a, T b) noexcept |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr T | to_radian (T degree) noexcept |
Convert degree to radian. | |
template<std::unsigned_integral T> | |
constexpr T | floor (T value, T alignment) noexcept |
The greatest multiple of alignment less than or equal to value. | |
template<std::unsigned_integral T> | |
constexpr T | ceil (T value, T alignment) noexcept |
The smallest multiple of alignment greater than or equal to value. | |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr bool | isnan (T value) noexcept |
constexpr uint64_t | pow10 (unsigned int x) noexcept |
template<std::unsigned_integral T> | |
constexpr unsigned int | decimal_width (T x) |
template<template< typename... > typename T, typename... Args> | |
auto | make_unique_ctad (Args &&...args) |
make_unique with CTAD (Class Template Argument Deduction) | |
template<template< typename... > typename T, typename... Args> | |
auto | make_shared_ctad (Args &&...args) |
make_shared with CTAD (Class Template Argument Deduction) | |
bool | equal_ptr (auto *p1, auto *p2) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
void | memswap (T &dst, U &src) |
template<typename InputIt , typename T > | |
T * | placement_copy (InputIt src, T *dst) |
Copy an object to another memory locations. | |
template<typename InputIt , typename T > | |
void | placement_copy (InputIt src_first, InputIt src_last, T *dst_first) |
Copy objects into a memory location. | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | placement_move (T *src, T *dst) |
Move an object between two memory locations. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | placement_move_within_array (T *src_first, T *src_last, T *dst_first) |
Move an objects between two memory locations. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | placement_move (T *src, T *src_last, T *dst) |
Move an objects between two memory locations. | |
template<typename It , typename... Args> | |
void | construct (It first, It last, Args const &...args) |
Construct a set of objects. | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr bool | is_aligned (T *p) |
Check if a pointer is properly aligned for the object it is pointing at. | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T * | ceil (T *ptr, std::size_t alignment) noexcept |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T * | floor (T *ptr, std::size_t alignment) noexcept |
void * | advance_bytes (void *ptr, std::ptrdiff_t distance) noexcept |
Advance a pointer by a number of bytes. | |
void const * | advance_bytes (void const *ptr, std::ptrdiff_t distance) noexcept |
Advance a pointer by a number of bytes. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | cleanupWeakPointers (std::vector< std::weak_ptr< T > > &v) noexcept |
template<typename K , typename T > | |
void | cleanupWeakPointers (std::unordered_map< K, std::weak_ptr< T > > &v) noexcept |
template<typename K , typename T > | |
void | cleanupWeakPointers (std::unordered_map< K, std::vector< std::weak_ptr< T > > > &v) noexcept |
template<typename Value , typename Map , typename Key , typename... Args> | |
std::shared_ptr< Value > | try_make_shared (Map &map, Key key, Args... args) |
template<numeric T, byte_like B> | |
constexpr T | unaligned_load (B const *src) noexcept |
Make an unaligned load of an unsigned integer. | |
template<numeric T> | |
T | unaligned_load (void const *src) noexcept |
template<numeric T, byte_like B> | |
constexpr void | unaligned_store (T src, B *dst) noexcept |
template<numeric T> | |
void | unaligned_store (T src, void *dst) noexcept |
template<std::integral T> | |
hi_force_inline constexpr void | store_or (T src, uint8_t *dst) noexcept |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr T | points_to_dp (T x) noexcept |
Convert points to device independent pixels. | |
Variables | |
os_handle | crt_application_instance |
The application instance identified by the operating system. | |
constexpr size_t | socket_event_max = 10 |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr bool | is_task_v = is_task<T>::value |
type-trait to determine if the given type T is a task. | |
template<typename Func , typename... ArgTypes> | |
constexpr bool | is_invocable_task_v = is_invocable_task<Func, ArgTypes...>::value |
type-trait to determining if the given invocable Func is a task. | |
constexpr auto | font_weight_metadata |
unfair_recursive_mutex | gfx_system_mutex |
Global mutex for GUI elements, like gfx_system, gfx_device, Windows and Widgets. | |
constexpr auto | keyboard_virtual_key_metadata |
constexpr auto | subpixel_orientation_metadata |
constexpr auto | theme_mode_metadata = enum_metadata{theme_mode::light, "light", theme_mode::dark, "dark"} |
template<fixed_string Tag> | |
detail::tagged_counter< Tag > | global_counter |
constexpr auto | semantic_text_style_metadata |
constexpr auto | text_decoration_metadata |
constexpr auto | phrasing_metadata |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_replacement_character = U'\ufffd' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_LF = U'\n' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_VT = U'\v' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_FF = U'\f' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_CR = U'\r' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_NEL = U'\u0085' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_LS = U'\u2028' |
constexpr char32_t | unicode_PS = U'\u2029' |
constexpr std::size_t | maximum_num_cpus = 64 |
constexpr unsigned long long | pow10_table [20] |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr auto | large_number_v = T{16777215} |
A large number. | |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr auto | points_per_inch_v = T{72.0} |
The number of points (typography) per inch. | |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr auto | dp_per_inch_v = T{80.0} |
The number of device independent pixels per inch. | |
template<std::floating_point T> | |
constexpr auto | points_to_dp_scale_v = dp_per_inch_v<T> / points_per_inch_v<T> |
constexpr double | points_per_inch = points_per_inch_v<double> |
constexpr double | dp_per_inch = dp_per_inch_v<double> |
Doxygen can't handle namespace hi::inline v1 {}
syntax. All files should be changed to use old-style inline namespace syntax.
using v1::await_resume_result_t = await_resume_result<T>::type |
Get the result type of an awaitable.
This is type return type of the await_resume()
member function.
using v1::forward_value_t = typename forward_value<T>::type |
Get the storage type of the forward_value
Use this type for the variables that are assigned with the return value of the forward_value
using v1::int128_t = __int128 |
Signed 128 bit integer.
using v1::uint128_t = unsigned __int128 |
Unsigned 128 bit integer.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
The keyboard focus group used for finding a widget that will accept a particular focus.
strong |
Key modification keys pressed at the same time as another key.
The Fn key is not always available on larger keyboards and is often under full control of the keyboard, therefor it is not in the list of keyboard modifiers here.
Enumerator | |
shift | The shift key is being held. |
control | The control key is being held. |
alt | The alt-key, option-key or meta-key is being held. |
super | The windows-key, key-key or super-key is being held. |
strong |
The orientation of the RGB sub-pixels of and LCD/LED panel.
strong |
Describes how a grapheme should be underlined when rendering the text.
It is carried with the grapheme and glyphs, so that the text render engine can draw the decoration after the text is shaped and in rendering-order (left to right) and, this makes it easier to correctly render the decoration of multiple glyphs in a single stroke.
inlinenoexcept |
Advance a pointer by a number of bytes.
ptr | The pointer to advance. |
distance | The number of bytes to advance the pointer, may be negative. |
inlinenoexcept |
Advance a pointer by a number of bytes.
ptr | The pointer to advance. |
distance | The number of bytes to advance the pointer, may be negative. |
inlinenoexcept |
Generate alternatives for the font_weight.
start | The starting font-weight. |
noexcept |
Strip data from the back side.
data_first | The iterator pointing to the first element of data. |
data_last | The iterator pointing one beyond the last element of data. |
value_first | The iterator pointing to the first value to be removed from data. |
value_last | The iterator pointing one beyond the last value to be removed from data. |
constexpr |
Find the begin and end of the current cluster.
first | The first iterator, where this function will stop iterating. |
last | The last iterator, where this function will stop iterating. |
start | Where to start the search |
predicate | A function returning the identifier of the cluster. |
constexprnoexcept |
Binary Operator Precedence according to C++.
constexprnoexcept |
Get the bit index of the single bit of the socket_event mask.
constexprnoexcept |
The smallest multiple of alignment greater than or equal to value.
value | The unsigned value to round. |
alignment | The alignment. |
void v1::construct | ( | It | first, |
It | last, | ||
Args const &... | args ) |
Construct a set of objects.
inline |
Return line and column count at the end iterator.
int v1::crt_finish | ( | int | argc, |
char ** | argv, | ||
int | exit_code ) |
Finish the hikogui system.
This function will cleanly shutdown the hikogui system.
argc | The normalized number of arguments received from crt_start() . |
argv | The normalized arguments received from crt_start() . |
exit_code | The exit code of the application |
inline |
Start the hikogui system.
This function will do a minimum amount of setup for the hikogui system.
to free the memory. std::pair< int, char ** > v1::crt_start | ( | int | argc, |
char ** | argv, | ||
void * | instance, | ||
int | show_cmd ) |
Start the hikogui system.
This function will do a minimum amount of setup for the hikogui system.
argc | Number of arguments received from main(). |
argv | The argument received from main(). |
instance | A handle to the GUI instance of the operating system |
show_cmd | Information on how to open the first window. |
to free the memory.
inline |
Start the hikogui system.
This function will do a minimum amount of setup for the hikogui system.
instance | A handle to the GUI instance of the operating system |
show_cmd | Information on how to open the first window. |
to free the memory.
inline |
Decode BON8 message from buffer.
buffer | A buffer to a BON8 encoded message. |
inline |
Decode BON8 message from buffer.
buffer | A buffer to a BON8 encoded message. |
inline |
Decode BON8 message from buffer.
buffer | A buffer to a BON8 encoded message. |
inline |
Encode a value to a BON8 message.
value | The data to encode |
constexprnoexcept |
Search for the item that is equal to the key.
constexprnoexcept |
The fast lower bound algorithm.
T | The type of the table element. |
Key | The type of the key |
Endian | The endianess of the key in the table. |
table | A span of elements to search, the key is in the first bytes of each element. |
key | A unsigned integral to search in the elements. |
noexcept |
Lock-free fetch-then-max operation on an atomic.
noexcept |
Lock-free fetch-then-min operation on an atomic.
constexprnoexcept |
Find the first occurrence of an value in a data.
data_first | An iterator pointing to the first item of data. |
data_last | An iterator pointing one beyond the last item of data. |
value_first | An iterator pointing to a value to find in data. |
value_last | An iterator pointing on beyond the last value to find in data. |
inline |
Find the best device for a surface.
surface | The surface to find the best device for. |
nullptr | Could not find a Vulkan device for this surface. |
inline |
Find the best device for a Vulkan surface.
surface | The surface to find the best device for. |
nullptr | Could not find a Vulkan device for this surface. |
constexpr |
Find the start of the current cluster.
last | The last iterator, where this function will stop iterating. |
start | Where to start the search |
predicate | A function returning the identifier of the cluster. |
inlinenoexcept |
Find a font closest to the variant.
This function will always return a valid font_id.
family_id | a valid family id. |
variant | The variant of the font to select. |
inlinenoexcept |
Find a font closest to the variant.
This function will always return a valid font_id.
family_name | a font family name. |
variant | The variant of the font to select. |
inlinenoexcept |
Find font family id.
This function will always return a valid font_family_id by walking the fallback-chain.
inlinenoexcept |
Find a glyph using the given code-point.
This function will find a glyph matching the grapheme in the selected font, or find the glyph in the fallback font.
font | The font to use to find the grapheme in. |
grapheme | The Unicode grapheme to find in the font. |
Find a glyph using the given code-point.
This function will find a glyph matching the grapheme in the selected font, or find the glyph in the fallback font.
font | The font to use to find the grapheme in. |
grapheme | The Unicode grapheme to find in the font. |
constexprnoexcept |
Fix the language for the string.
Make sure that every grapheme will have a language assigned. The following rules will be used to assign languages
first | An iterator pointing to the first grapheme. |
last | An iterator pointing beyond the last grapheme. |
default_language_tag | The language to set each grapheme to. |
constexprnoexcept |
The greatest multiple of alignment less than or equal to value.
value | The unsigned value to round. |
alignment | The alignment. |
constexpr |
Convert a font weight value between 50 and 1000 to a font weight.
inline |
For each cluster. func() is executed for each cluster that is found between first-last. A cluster is found between two separators, a separator is detected with IsClusterSeperator(). A cluster does not include the separator itself.
constexprnoexcept |
Count arguments of a std::format format string.
fmt | The format string. |
-1 | Invalid open-brace inside format argument. |
-2 | Invalid close-brace outside format argument. |
-3 | Missing close-brace at end-of-string. |
constexpr |
Dump an datum object into a JSON string.
root | datum-object to serialize |
noexcept |
Strip data from the front side.
data_first | The iterator pointing to the first element of data. |
data_last | The iterator pointing one beyond the last element of data. |
value_first | The iterator pointing to the first value to be removed from data. |
value_last | The iterator pointing one beyond the last value to be removed from data. |
constexpr |
Generate data in an array.
operation | A function to execute for each element in the array. The function accepts a single index argument. |
inline |
Load a random seed.
[out] | ptr | The pointer to the buffer bytes where to generate the seed. |
size | The number of bytes to generate. |
os_error | on failure. |
constexpr |
constexpr |
Check if a pointer is properly aligned for the object it is pointing at.
inlinenoexcept |
Encode a string to be usable as an id.
An id has the following format: [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
auto v1::make_shared_ctad | ( | Args &&... | args | ) |
make_shared with CTAD (Class Template Argument Deduction)
T | A class template type. |
args | The arguments forwarded to the constructor. |
constexprnoexcept |
Create a slug from a string.
A slug contains only lower case letters, digits and dashes. Duplicated dashes are eliminated.
inlinenoexcept |
Create a title from a string.
A title contains words separated by a single space, where each word starts with a capital letter followed by lower case letters. Digits may be part of a word or form a separate word, digits are not counted as the start of a word for capitalization.
auto v1::make_unique_ctad | ( | Args &&... | args | ) |
make_unique with CTAD (Class Template Argument Deduction)
T | A class template type. |
args | The arguments forwarded to the constructor. |
constexpr |
Make a vector from a view.
This function will make a vector with a copy of the elements of a view.
constexpr |
constexprnoexcept |
Check if the text-phrasing is included in the text-phrasing-mask.
lhs | The text-phrasing-mask, i.e. the pattern. |
rhs | The text-phrasing. |
inlinenoexcept |
Normalize string to use only line-feeds.
constexprnoexcept |
Operator Precedence according to C++.
constexpr |
Parse a JSON string.
text | The text to parse. |
inline |
Parse a JSON string.
path | A path pointing to the file to parse. |
constexpr |
Parse a JSON string.
text | The text to parse. |
constexpr |
Parse a JSON string.
text | The text to parse. |
T * v1::placement_copy | ( | InputIt | src, |
T * | dst ) |
Copy an object to another memory locations.
This function will copy an object located in one memory location to another through the use of placement-new.
If you want to access the object in dst, you should use the return value.
src | An interator to an object. |
dst | A pointer to allocated memory. |
void v1::placement_copy | ( | InputIt | src_first, |
InputIt | src_last, | ||
T * | dst_first ) |
Copy objects into a memory location.
This function will placement_copy an array of objects to a memory location.
T * v1::placement_move | ( | T * | src, |
T * | dst ) |
Move an object between two memory locations.
This function will move an object from one memory location to another through the use of placement-new. The object in the source memory location is destroyed.
If you want to access the object in dst, you should use the return value. It is undefined behavior when src and dst point to the same object. It is undefined behavior if either or both src and dst are nullptr.
src | A pointer to an object. |
dst | A pointer to allocated memory. |
void v1::placement_move | ( | T * | src, |
T * | src_last, | ||
T * | dst ) |
Move an objects between two memory locations.
This function will placement_move an array of objects between two memory locations.
WARNING: if moving objects within an array use placement_move_within_array
to handle overlapping regions.
void v1::placement_move_within_array | ( | T * | src_first, |
T * | src_last, | ||
T * | dst_first ) |
Move an objects between two memory locations.
This function will placement_move an array of objects between two memory locations.
It is undefined behavior when src_first and dst_first are not part of the same array.
The objects may overlap: copying takes place as if the objects were copied to a temporary object array and then the objects were copied from the array to dst.
constexprnoexcept |
Convert points to device independent pixels.
inline |
Register a font.
Duplicate registrations will be ignored.
When a font file is registered the file will be temporarily opened to read and cache a set of properties:
path | Location of font. |
constexpr |
Find the start of the current cluster.
first | The first iterator, where this function will stop iterating. |
start | Where to start the search |
predicate | A function returning the identifier of the cluster. |
noexcept |
Securely clear a set of objects.
This function uses an operating system service for erasing memory securely.
first | An iterator pointing to the first object to clear. |
last | An iterator pointing to one beyond to clear. |
inlinenoexcept |
Securely clear an object.
This function uses an operating system service for erasing memory securely.
object | The object to securely clear to zeroes. |
inlinenoexcept |
Securely clear memory.
This function uses an operating system service for erasing memory securely.
ptr | The pointer to the memory to clear. |
size | The number of bytes to clear. |
void v1::secure_destroy | ( | It | first, |
It | last ) |
Securely destroy objects.
Destroy objects and overwrite its memory with all '1' followed by all '0'.
first | An iterator to the first object. |
last | An iterator to beyond the last object. |
void v1::secure_uninitialized_move | ( | It | first, |
It | last, | ||
OutIt | d_first ) |
Securely move objects.
First calls std::uinitialized_move() then overwrites memory with all '1' followed by all '0'.
first | An iterator to the first object to move |
last | An iterator to beyond the last object to move |
d_first | An destination iterator to uninitialized memory. |
constexprnoexcept |
Set the language for the string.
first | An iterator pointing to the first grapheme. |
last | An iterator pointing beyond the last grapheme. |
language | The language to set each grapheme to. This language will be expanded. The script of the grapheme will never contradict the unicode database. |
noexcept |
Shuffle a container based on a list of indices.
It is undefined behavior for an index to point beyond last
. It is undefined behavior for an index to repeat.
Complexity is O(n) swaps, where n is the number of indices.
first | An iterator pointing to the first item in a container to be shuffled (index = 0) |
last | An iterator pointing beyond the last item in a container to be shuffled. |
indices_first | An iterator pointing to the first index. |
indices_last | An iterator pointing beyond the last index. |
noexcept |
Shuffle a container based on a list of indices.
It is undefined behavior for an index to point beyond last
. It is undefined behavior for an index to repeat.
Complexity is O(n) swaps, where n is the number of indices.
first | An iterator pointing to the first item in a container to be shuffled (index = 0) |
last | An iterator pointing beyond the last item in a container to be shuffled. |
indices_first | An iterator pointing to the first index. |
indices_last | An iterator pointing beyond the last index. |
index_op | A function returning the size index from indices. The default returns the index item it self. |
noexcept |
Solve cubic function in the form.
noexcept |
Trigonometric solution for three real roots
constexprnoexcept |
Solve line function. ax+b=0
constexprnoexcept |
Solve quadratic function.
constexprnoexcept |
Solve cubic function.
constexprnoexcept |
Get the size of a sub-pixel based on the sub-pixel orientation.
constexprnoexcept |
Create an std::array from a one dimensional array, without the last element.
Useful for copying a string literal without the nul-termination
constexprnoexcept |
Create an std::array from a one dimensional array, without the last element.
Useful for copying a string literal without the nul-termination
constexprnoexcept |
Convert a UTF-8 string to a grapheme-string.
Before conversion to gstring
a string is first normalized using the Unicode normalization algorithm. By default it is normalized using NFC.
rhs | The UTF-8 string to convert. |
config | The attributes used for normalizing the input string. |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert a UTF-32 string-view to a grapheme-string.
Before conversion to gstring
a string is first normalized using the Unicode normalization algorithm. By default it is normalized using NFC.
rhs | The UTF-32 string to convert. |
config | The attributes used for normalizing the input string. |
inline |
Parse a key-binding modifier name.
s | The modifier name, with or without the canonical trailing '+' |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert degree to radian.
degree | The number of degrees. |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8.
rhs | The grapheme string to convert to UTF-8 |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8.
rhs | The grapheme string view to convert to UTF-8 |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert the current string to using title case.
This function does not do full unicode case conversion; only ASCII letters [a-zA-Z] will be modified.
constexprnoexcept |
Convert the current string to using title case.
This function does not do full unicode case conversion; only ASCII letters [a-zA-Z] will be modified.
constexprnoexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8.
rhs | The grapheme string view to convert to UTF-8 |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert a grapheme string to UTF-8.
rhs | The grapheme string view to convert to UTF-8 |
inline |
Transform an input container to the output container.
input | Input container. |
operation | A function to execute on each element in the input |
constexprnoexcept |
Make an unaligned load of an unsigned integer.
constexpr |
Reorder a given range of characters based on the unicode_bidi algorithm.
This algorithm will:
It is likely that an application has the characters grouped as graphemes and is accompanied with the original index and possible other information. The get_char
function returns the first code-point of a grapheme. The set_char
function is used when the code-point needs to be replaced with a mirrored version.
The bidirectional algorithm will work correctly with either a list of code points or a list of first-code-point-of-graphemes.
first | The first iterator |
last | The last iterator |
get_code_point | A function to get the character of an item. |
set_code_point | A function to set the character in an item. |
set_text_direction | A function to set the text direction in an item. |
context | The context/configuration to use for the bidi-algorithm. |
constexpr |
Removes control characters which will not survive the bidi-algorithm.
All RLE, LRE, RLO, LRO, PDF, and BN characters are removed.
first | The first character. |
last | One beyond the last character. |
code_point_func | A function returning the code-point of the character. |
constexpr |
Get the unicode bidi direction for the first paragraph and context.
first | The first iterator |
last | The last iterator |
get_code_point | A function to get the code-point of an item. |
context | The context/configuration to use for the bidi-algorithm. |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert text to a Unicode decomposed normal form.
text | to normalize, in-place. |
normalization_mask | Extra features for normalization. |
constexprnoexcept |
Check if the string of code-points is a single grapheme in NFC normal form.
it | An iterator pointing to the first code-point. |
last | An iterator pointing beyond the last code-point. |
inlinenoexcept |
The unicode line break algorithm UAX #14.
first | An iterator to the first character. |
last | An iterator to the last character. |
code_point_func | A function to get the code-point of a character. |
constexpr |
Unicode break lines.
opportunities | The list of break opportunities. |
widths | The list of character widths |
maximum_line_width | The maximum line width. |
constexprnoexcept |
Convert text to a Unicode composed normal form.
text | to normalize, in-place. |
normalization_mask | Extra features for normalization. |
inlinenoexcept |
The unicode word break algorithm UAX#29.
first | An iterator to the first character. |
last | An iterator to the last character. |
code_point_func | A function to get a code-point from an dereferenced iterator. |
inlinenoexcept |
The unicode word break algorithm UAX#29.
first | An iterator to the first character. |
last | An iterator to the last character. |
code_point_func | A function to code-point from a character. |
constexpr |
Remove element from a container.
first | The iterator pointing to the first element of the container |
last | The iterator pointing one beyond the last element of the container. |
element | The iterator that points to the element to be removed. |
auto v1::when_any | ( | Args const &... | args | ) |
await on a set of objects which can be converted to an awaitable.
The arguments may be of the following types:
, await_suspend()
and await_resume()
.operator co_await()
member function.operator co_await()
free function.args | The object to await on. |
noexcept |
Wrap lines in text that are too wide.
This algorithm may modify white-space in text and change them into line separators. Lines are separated using the U+2028 code-point, and paragraphs are separated by the U+2029 code-point.
first | The first iterator of a text to wrap |
last | The one beyond the last iterator of a text to wrap |
max_width | The maximum width of a line. |
get_width | A function returning the width of an item pointed by the iterator. float get_width(auto const &item) |
get_code_point | A function returning the code-point of an item pointed by the iterator. char32_t get_code_point(auto const &item) |
set_code_point | A function changing the code-point of an item pointed by the iterator. void set_code_point(auto &item, char32_t code_point) |
inline |
The application instance identified by the operating system.
A handle to the application instance of the operating system:
constexpr |
constexpr |
The number of device independent pixels per inch.
device independent pixels per platform:
The Android dp size is almost halfway between win32 and MacOS, which we will use for hikogui.
constexpr |
inline |
Global mutex for GUI elements, like gfx_system, gfx_device, Windows and Widgets.
constexpr |
type-trait to determining if the given invocable Func is a task.
constexpr |
type-trait to determine if the given type T is a task.
constexpr |
A large number.
This number 16777215 (2^24 - 1). Integers beyond this number may not be accurately represented by a float.
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
The number of points (typography) per inch.
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |